Three Ways to Support Naumburg Orchestral Concerts

1. Donate

We rely on public donations to help keep these concerts going.

Please join us & support us to help Naumburg maintain the quality and breadth of programming now and for seasons to come.


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A message from our board president:

Dear Music Lover,

Since 1905, Naumburg Orchestral Concerts has provided wonderful FREE outdoor classical music concerts to New Yorkers from all walks of life. This historic summer concert series features award-winning soloists and world-class professional musicians with superb sound in a lovely park setting.We invite you to become a patron of the Naumburg Orchestral Concerts. With the help of our devoted supporters, we intend to continue our enjoyable concerts on Central Park's Concert Ground. The Naumburg Orchestral Concerts is a non-profit 501[c]3 organization managed by a board of trustees. All contributions are fully tax-deductible and go to the direct cost of presenting the concerts: musicians' fees, park facilities, sound, chair rentals, printing, promotion, and mailing costs. Donors will be gratefully acknowledged in the program guides distributed at each concert and in the donors list on this website.Your gift will help us carry on what has become a festive musical tradition in New York City. Please contribute what you can. All gifts, great and small, will be enormously appreciated. And do join us in the park this summer!

Thank you for your support.

Sincerely Yours,
Christopher W. London, President